Infants and toddlers
(6 weeks to 3 years)

Infants and toddlers, ages 6 weeks to 3 years old: Little Flowers uses the OUNCE Scale, which is an assessment tool that enables caregivers and families to monitor their child’s development, and the Creative curriculum, which is a comprehensive curriculum with a clear organizational structure and a particular focus on routines and experiences. We focus on building social/emotional skills that serve as the foundation for learning and that last a lifetime. 

Preschool-age children
(3, 4, and 5 years old)

Preschool, ages 3, 4 and 5 years old: Little Flowers uses the Early Learning Assessment, which allows early childhood teachers and care-providers to collect and use assessment information to tailor instruction to the individual needs of each child.

Our preschool classrooms use the Creative Curriculum, which is a comprehensive curriculum with a clear organizational structure and a particular focus on routines and experiences. We focus on building social/emotional skills that serve as the foundation for learning and that last a lifetime.

Little Flowers also have two Federal/State Funded, Free Pre-K 4 classrooms. Prekindergarten is a program for four-year-old children who are from families that are economically disadvantaged or homeless. The overall goal of prekindergarten is to provide learning experiences to help children develop and maintain the basic skills necessary to be successful in school. The Prekindergarten program provides appropriate experiences that address the needs of young children in the areas of language and literacy, mathematics, social foundations, science, social studies, fine arts, and physical well-being and motor development.

Our Pre-K 4 classrooms use the Children Study Their World (CSW) curriculum. CSW is an early childhood curriculum for 4-year-olds, based on principles of project-based inquiry and driven by evidence-based practices that build teacher capacity and support successful implementation. It consists of eight interdisciplinary, content-rich projects that build upon children’s knowledge and increase in complexity. Each project supports children’s common understanding of a topic and nurtures their innate sense of curiosity and discovery about their world. CSW was created by the Center for Early Childhood Education and Intervention at the University of Maryland. Funding for CSW was provided through a grant from the Maryland State Department of Education.


Before and After School Enrichment

Generation Recharge before and after-school enrichment program provides services for school-age children, ages 3 to 15. G.R.A.S.P. operates early morning hours and extended evening hours so that our program provides a safe, nurturing, learning environment that focuses on education, teamwork and leadership skills. Furthermore, G.R.A.S.P. children get the opportunity to explore Theater, Chess, Step, Boxing, Martial Arts, Music, Creative Art, and Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (via the use of a research-based S.T.E.M curriculum).